What is a Good Speed Score on Shopify

What is a Good Speed Score on Shopify?

5 mins

A speed score is a number that Shopify assigns to each store. It’s a measure of how quickly your store loads and how well it performs. 

A high-speed score means that your store is fast and responsive, and a low-speed score means that there are some areas that need improvement.

Generally speaking, a good speed score on Shopify is anything above 80%. This means that your store is loading quickly and performing well. 

However, if you’re aiming for perfection, you should aim for a speed score of 100%.

What Does Speed Score Signify for Online Store?

Speed Score is a metric used by Google to measure how fast a page loads on mobile devices.

The Speed Score is based on a number of factors, including the time it takes for the page to load, the size of the page, and the number of resources (such as images and videos) that are loaded.

A high-speed Score indicates that a page is loading quickly and efficiently, while a low-Speed Score indicates that a page is taking too long to load or is loading too many resources.

A high-speed Score is important for two reasons

First, it ensures that users have a positive experience when they visit your site. 

A slow-loading page can frustrate users and cause them to leave before they’ve had a chance to explore your store. 

Second, a high-Speed Score can improve your store’s ranking in search results.

Google has stated that site speed is a factor in its search algorithm, so a fast-loading site is more likely to appear at the top of search results than a slow-loading site.

Is Shopify Speed Score Accurate?

Shopify speed score is a good metric to use when measuring the loading speed of your shop’s pages. It is not, however, an accurate measure of your shop’s overall performance. 

There are a number of factors that can affect your shop’s speed score, and these can vary depending on your specific setup.

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For example, if you have a lot of large images on your pages, this will likely slow down the loading time of those pages. 

Similarly, if you have a lot of code or scripts running in the background, this can also impact loading times. 

That said, Shopify’s speed score can still be a useful metric to track over time.

If you see a sudden drop in your speed score, this could be indicative of an issue that needs to be addressed. 

Likewise, if you see a consistent decline in your speed score over time, this could also suggest that there are some optimization opportunities that you should explore.

How to Identify Your Shopify Store Speed Score?

There are many factors that contribute to your Shopify store speed score. Shopify uses only the available pages and their weights to calculate your speed score.

There are a few ways you can identify your Shopify speed score: 

First, check your Google Analytics account. If you see a slow load time for your website, this could be an indication that your Shopify speed score is low. 

Second, run a speed test on your website using a tool like Pingdom or GTmetrix. This will give you a more detailed look at how fast your website is loading. 

Finally, Take a look at your page weight. This is the number of kilobytes (KB) that your web page takes up. The lower the number, the faster your web page will load. 

So if you have a lot of images or other heavy content on your web page, this could be dragging down your Shopify speed score. 

By following these steps, you can get a good idea of where your Shopify store speed score stands. 

From there, you can work on making improvements to help boost your score and improve the overall speed of your website.

How to Increase Your Shopify Speed Score?

There are a few things you can do to increase your Shopify speed score. 

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First, make sure that you’re using a good hosting provider. A good hosting provider will have servers that are optimized for speed and uptime.

Second, use a caching plugin or service. Caching can dramatically improve the speed of your website by storing static copies of your pages and files. 

Third, optimize your images. Large images can slow down your website, so make sure to resize and compress them before uploading them to your site. 

Fourth, minify your CSS and JavaScript files. This means removing all unnecessary characters from these files, which can reduce their size by up to 70%.

Finally, use a content delivery network (CDN). A CDN stores copies of your website’s files on servers around the world, which helps to deliver them faster to visitors who are located far away from your primary server.

Implementing even just a few of these tips can significantly improve your Shopify speed score and help to ensure that visitors have a positive experience on your site.

Shopify Store Speed Score

As the online world continues to grow so does the importance of having a fast website. A slow website can cost you customers and money, which is why it’s important to make sure your site is as fast as possible. 

One way to measure the speed of your site is through a Shopify Store Speed Score. The Store Speed Score is an evaluation of how quickly your Shopify store loads.

It’s based on a number of factors, including file size, number of requests, and server response time. The higher the score, the faster your site is.

Google Store Speed Test

The Google Store Speed Test is a tool that measures the speed of your internet connection. 

The test is performed by measuring the time it takes to download and upload a file from the Google server. 

The results of the test are then displayed in a graph, with the download and upload speeds represented by separate lines.

The Google Store Speed Test can be useful for determining whether your internet connection is fast enough to stream video or music or to load web pages quickly.

If you find that your connection is slow, you may want to consider upgrading to a faster package from your ISP.

Final Thoughts

Shopify does have its downfalls such as the monthly fees, but it is one of the best ecommerce platforms available. 

If you are looking for an easy-to-use platform with a wide range of features and apps then Shopify is definitely worth considering. 

Plus, with a good speed score, your customers will have a positive experience on your site which is essential for making sales.


Michael Fied

founder of and SpamBurner

Michael Fied is the founder and CEO of and SpamBurner. In addition, he’s an internationally top-rated and award-winning website advisor and website architect with a global team of 55. You can find Michael on LinkedIn or contact him directly here.

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