What Are Shopify Metafields

What Are Shopify Metafields?

6 mins

Shopify meta fields are a way to add extra data to your store’s products, customers, orders, collections, and pages. They’re perfect for storing data that doesn’t fit into Shopify’s default fields, like custom product options or variant-specific information.

Metafields are also a great way to add structured data to your store for use in apps and third-party services.

If you’re not familiar with Shopify, meta fields are a way to store additional information about products, customers, orders, and more. They’re essentially custom fields that you can create and attach to your Shopify data.

Shopify Order Metafields

In Shopify, an order meta field is a custom field that can be attached to an order. Order meta fields are useful for storing additional information about an order that is not captured by the default fields. For example, you could use an order meta field to store the customer’s shoe size or their preferred shipping method.

Order meta fields are also available through the Shopify API. To add an order meta field: From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Shipping.

Under Order processing, click Metafields. Click Add Meta field. In the Namespace field, enter a namespace for your meta field (for example, “customer”).

In the Key field, enter a key for your meta field (for example, “shoe_size”). Choose Order from the Resource drop-down menu. Enter a value for your meta field in the Value field.

Click Save changes.

Shopify Metafields Example

If you’re looking to add extra data to your Shopify products, meta fields are the way to go. Metafields let you store additional information about a product, and can be used for things like product options, custom fields, or even adding embedded videos. In this example, we’ll be using meta fields to add an extra field for “Material” to our products.

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This way, we can list what the product is made of without having to edit the description. To get started, head over to the “Products” section of your Shopify admin and select the product that you want to add a meta field too. From there, click on the “Metafields” tab and then click “Add Meta field”:

In the “Namespace” field, enter “material”. This is just an identifier for your own reference; it can be anything you want. For “Key”, enter “name”.

This is the actual name of the field that will be displayed on your product page. Finally, in the “Value” field, enter the material that your product is made of: Click “Save” and you’re done!

Your new meta field will now be displayed on your product page: As you can see, meta fields are a great way to add extra data to your products without having to edit the description.

If you need more than one meta field for a particular product (for example, if you want both a “Material” and a “Size” field), simply repeat these steps for each additional field that you want to add.

What is a Metafield Definition?

A metafield is a piece of data that contains information about another piece of data. In other words, it is a field that stores metadata. Metadata is defined as “data that provides information about other data.”

It sounds complicated, but it’s really just a way to store extra information about something. For example, let’s say you have a blog post. Each blog post has a title, body, author, etc.

But each blog post might also have some extra information that you want to store about it. This extra information could be the date the post was published, the location of the author when they wrote it, or anything else you can think of. This extra information would be stored in a metafield.

Metafields are particularly useful for Shopify merchants because they allow you to store additional information about your products.

This can include things like variant options (such as color or size), pricing details, product descriptions, and more. If you’re selling products on Shopify, chances are you’ll need to use metafields at some point!

Metafields Shopify Liquid

What are Metafields? Metafields are a powerful way to store additional information about products, customers, orders, and more in Shopify. They’re perfect for adding custom data that doesn’t fit into the default Shopify fields.
For example, you could use meta fields to store things like:

  • Product descriptions in different languages
  • Custom product options (e.g. color, size)
  • Links to related products or blog posts
  • Notes about customer service inquiries

How to Use Metafields?

You can access meta-field data using the Liquid programming language. This gives you a lot of flexibility when it comes to how you want to display or use the data. For example, you could use Liquid to:

  • Display additional product information on your product pages
  • Create a custom “Related Products” section on your product pages
  • Add extra form fields to your checkout page (e.g. for gift-wrapping requests)

If you’re not familiar with Liquid, don’t worry! It’s easy to learn and there are plenty of resources available online.

Shopify Metafields Accept List of Values

Shopify Metafields let you add extra information to products, customers, orders, blogs, and pages on your Shopify store. Unlike other fields in Shopify, meta fields are not predefined. This gives you complete control over the data that you want to store.

Metafields can be used to store information such as product ratings, customer reviews, additional images, and more. You can use them to create custom fields for any type of data that you want to track. To create a meta field:

  • From your Shopify admin, go to Products > All products.
  • Click the name of the product to that you want to add a meta field.
  • In the Product Details section, click Metafields.
  • Click Add meta field.
  • Enter a Namespace and Key for your meta field. The namespace is used to group related meta fields together. For example, if you’re storing data about product ratings, you might use a namespace called “ratings”. The key is used to identify the specific piece of data that you’re storing. For example, the key “average” could be used to store the average rating for a product.

How Do You Get Product Metafields on Shopify?

Product Metafields are a powerful way to add extra data to your products in Shopify. They can be used to store information such as product weights, sizes, materials, etc. To get started, you’ll first need to create a new Meta field in your Shopify admin.

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To do this, go to Products > Metafields and click the “Add meta field” button. Next, you’ll need to give your Metafield a namespace, key, and value. The namespace and key are used to identify the Metafield, while the value is the actual data that you want to store.

Once you’ve created your Metafield, you can then add it to any product in your shop by going to that product’s page and scrolling down to the “Metafields” section. Here you can enter the namespace, key and value for each of your product’s Metafields. And that’s it!

Now you know how to add extra data to your products using Shopify’s Product Metafields feature.

How Do I Use Collection Metafields in Shopify?

If you’re looking to add some extra data to your Shopify collections, meta fields are the way to go. Metafields let you store additional information about a collection, and they can be used in themes to display that information on your shop’s front. In this tutorial, we’ll cover how to create and use collection meta fields in Shopify.

We’ll start by creating a new metafield for a collection, and then we’ll edit our theme code to output that metafield on the collection page. Let’s get started! Creating a Collection Metafield

To get started, log into your Shopify admin and head over to the Products section. Then, click on Collections in the sidebar. Choose the collection that you want to add a metafield to and click Edit:


Shopify metafields are a powerful way to store additional information about your products, customers, and orders. They’re easy to use and can be accessed from anywhere in your Shopify admin. With metafields, you can add extra details that aren’t available in the default Shopify fields.

For example, you could use a metafield to store custom product data, customer information, or order details. Metafields are also a great way to extend the functionality of your shop without having to code anything yourself. You can use them to add extra features or integrate with third-party services.


Michael Fied

founder of and SpamBurner

Michael Fied is the founder and CEO of and SpamBurner. In addition, he’s an internationally top-rated and award-winning website advisor and website architect with a global team of 55. You can find Michael on LinkedIn or contact him directly here.

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